
Tecnologia, design e ambiente.

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Category: Waterproofing


How to ensure hydraulic invariance in rainwater catchment areas

In recent years, many Italian regions have introduced regulations regarding hydraulic invariance, the principle that maximum stormwater runoff flows should not be greater than those pre-existing before urbanization. This principle was introduced to protect the land and...

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How to prevent Radon gas contamination with Cover Up barrier

Il gas Radon è una sostanza naturale altamente pericolosa che può essere presente in diverse parti del mondo. Questo gas è un sottoprodotto della decomposizione del radio e dell’uranio nei sottosuoli. Se non adeguatamente controllato, il Radon può penetrare negli edifici…

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Phytodepuration: a natural system for wastewater treatment

Phytodepuration is an environmentally sustainable and efficient solution for wastewater treatment. This system uses the natural action of plants and microorganisms to remove pollutants in the water, transforming them into substances that are not harmful to the environment. The phytodepuration process...

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